Sunday, September 6, 2009

30-30 Interval Training Workout

Hi, here is a workout that me and 2 of my clients did on 9-03-09. It was powered by Workout Muse 30-30 mayhem.

We did 30sec. of work/30sec. of rest...performed 20 rounds for a total of 20 minutes of work.

Circuit: 30-30
1. Walk-over push-up + Mountain Climbers
2. Front Plank + rotations
3. High knee hurdles with med. ball
4. Boxers left-right db punches
5. Med. ball upper body twist

Checkout the short video below:

Monday, August 31, 2009

Camper for the Month!

Great Month Campers! You all worked hard for the month of August! I appreciate your dedication to striving to reach your fitness goals.

Camper of the month for August:

6:30pm: Benitria, Judy, Sandie and Susan - Thanks for your consistent effort and leader by example!

That's right, you all are campers of the month, you ladies deserve it.

Go the distance....train hard-live well,

6:30pm boot camp class 8-27-09

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Boxing Fitness Mania

Boxing Fitness workout was powered by Workout Muse today. The campers performed 50 seconds of work-10 seconds of rest. They performed a 5 exercise circuit 4 times for a total 20 minutes of work, and finished with Tabatas (20sec of work-10sec of rest).

Way to go campers!

Congratulations to:
  • Benitria for working hard
  • Sandie for coming back strong after a hard fall at Wed. boot camp.
  • Liz for attacking each exercise as if it was the last one.
  • Susan for her great energy
  • Judy for an all out effort despite having left her gym clothes and shoes at home. (No Excuses Attitude).

Great Work Ladies!

Clip of my 6:30pm Boxing Boot Camp below.

Monday, June 8, 2009

12 Rules for Fat Loss

Follow these 12 rules and you are sure to reach your Fat Loss Goal.

1. Eat breakfast EVERY DAY

2. Eat some protein with every meal, aiming for approximately 1 gram protein/pound of body weight for men and .8 gram protein/pound of body weight for women

3. Think fiber, not carbs

4. Drink about half gallon of water for every 1000 Calories you eat

5. Keep fat under 30% of total calories consumed; this amount will typically come from foods you naturally eat, rather than adding fat to foods. That is unnecessary and added fats are typically not healthy.

6. Drink unsweetened green tea throughout the day-aim for at least 3 cups each day

7. Have at least 1 fruit and or vegetable at every single meal, with the goal of 5-13 servings total each day.

8. Get a few grams of fish oil each day, either through fish and or supplements

9. Do not skip a meal with the intention of "saving Calories"

10. Record what you eat and drink...self-monitoring is crucial to success

11. Do not have an all or nothing attitude towards food...if you can get 90% of your intake to meet the guidelines listed above, you'll succeed.

12. Eat smaller meals throughout the day; never skip a meal to "save calories", as this will likely lead to overeating.

Eat Well-Live Well

Go the distance,
Tyrone Johnson

Saturday, May 2, 2009

You Could Lose 8-10 Pounds Every 30 Days While Learning How to Defend Yourself

Imagine having to tighten your belt a notch or two tighter after a few weeks, forcing you to take a trip to your favorite clothing store to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Here is a summary of the benefits you receive with our boxing
fitness camp for women
  • Learn real boxing technique, but in a safe environment
  • Become strong, slim and lean and boost your metabolism
    with our resistance training program
  • Learn self-defense and improve self-confidence
  • Melt fat, tone up, boost energy, get rid of stress, and be prepared for demands of everyday life with boxing fitness
Here is a sample workout at one of our boxing fitness camp:

12 minutes Warm Up with jump rope

  • One round regular jumping
  • One round left foot 15 seconds, right foot 15 seconds, both feet 15 seconds, repeat
  • One round "Jumping Jacks" style 15 seconds, regular 15 seconds, repeat
  • One round high knees 15 seconds, regular 15 seconds, repeat

5 minutes stretching

  • Arm circles
  • Shoulder circles
  • Neck circles
  • Foot circles
  • Leg stretches

5 minutes Punch warm-ups. Shadow Box

  • Check stance
  • One round: Jab 15 seconds, right 15 seconds, 1-2 combination 15 seconds, repeat
  • One round: Same thing

20 minutes Punch drills:

  • One round: Jab high 15 sec, jab low 15 sec, repeat
  • One round: Same thing on other side, as Southpaw (reverse stance)
  • One round: Right hand high 15 sec, right hand low 15 sec, repeat
  • One round: Same thing on other side, as Southpaw.
  • One round: The boxing two-step. Jab and move forward across the room. Jab and move left across the room. Move backwards across the room. Jab and move right across the room.
  • One round: Catching punches with your elbows by only moving your core.
  • Same thing

10-15 minutes. Close Out:

  • One round: Work abdominals with medicine ball. Throw back and forth. Straight 15 sec, touch left 15 sec, touch right 15 sec
  • One round: Work abdominals with medicine ball. 15 sec. straight on, 15 sec ball over your head.
  • One round: Plyo-pushups
  • One round: Lunges
  • One round: Sugar Rays. Stay on the ball of your feet while moving clockwise for 15 sec, then counter clockwise for 15 sec, repeat.

Go the distance,
Tyrone Johnson

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Boxing Training For Flat Abs!!

If you have ever watched a boxing match then you have seen the type of bodies and shape that they are in. Now understand that most boxers were not born this way, and have dedicated long hours of training to get in the kind of physical condition they need for their trade. Using the same training techniques the average person can lose weight and increase their metabolism for long term health gains.

Boxing training is still new to the fitness industry. People hear Boxing Training and think that they have to get in the ring and fight. That is so far from the truth. While boxers have used these methods for years it is only recently that some people have begun to use and see the benefits of this type of exercise program. The great thing about using a boxing program is that it provides a total body workout including aerobic conditioning, resistance training, flexibility, and balance.

The great thing about joining a boxing program is that you really get to learn the sweet science of boxing while burning anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories for one hour of work. During this time you will also maintain a heart rate at 75 to 85 percent of maximum which is the optimal range for cardivascular training.The gyms and personal trainers are recommending boxing lessons as a training choice for those who are beginners to fitness training.

It is fun and is never the same workout. It can be customized to fit each person's current fitness level which allows them to see consistent improvements in both physical condition and weight loss over a period of time. As the workouts increase aerobic and muscle condition which both lead to a permanent increase in metabolism. If you combine this with a boxers meal plan this type of training is a great way to lose weight and keep those pounds off.

Go the distance,
Tyrone Johnson

12 Super Foods That Will Help You Get Back Into Your Skinny Jeans!

I wanted to give you my top 12 foods that has helped me stay in my skinny jeans...and if you focus your eating program around the Super 12 Foods, you will lose that belly fat in no time. :-)

Some of these foods have side-kicks that are also great. For example, Avocados is a good side-kick to Almonds, and high fiber cerals like All Bran and Fiber One are great side-kicks to Oatmeal.

1) Almonds

2) Beans and legumes

3) Spinach and other green vegetables

4) Oatmeal (unsweetened, unflavored)

5) Eggs

6) Peanut Butter

7) Turkey and other lean meats

8) Whole-grain breads and cereals

9) Blueberries

10) Sweet Potatoes

11) Low-fat milk, yogurt

12) Extra-protein ( prograde lean, prograde cravers)

I have chosen these foods not only for their nutritional value but also for their simplicity. Also, if you are interested in getting a great tasting protein shake or protein bar, click on the link below:

Go the distance!